Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Back to Taipei


I've been back in Taipei for over a week now. Even though it's my summer break from school (I teach English in a children's school in southern Taipei), I've been busy mainly with musical "stuff". Last night Lily and I performed in a venue called the Riverside. It was an open mike night, which we often go to where we can interact with other musicians. Last night was a milestone so to speak because the audience started clapping in the last song without our encouragement... that's a first for me. It was to a song Lily and I collaborated on called "Just to be".

Last Thursday we also perfromed at a place called "The living room" (if you want an address, just email me). We'd thought that it would also be an "open mike night", but it turned out to be a "spoken word" night with lots of poetry etc... They let us do three songs anyway, and loved it. We also really appreciated the intimacy of the spoken word, it really lets one feel more close to the performer...

Right now there is a Taiphoon raging on outside. I live with 7 other fellows (1 American and the rest are Taiwanese) in a two level apartment, so we've all got the day off work because of the weather.

OK, that's enough of my gasbagging... kit

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